Ethos Lab
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About Ethos Lab

Ethọ́ s Lab ( is a Black-led organization, creating a network of community-driven Innovation Hubs for youth in Grades 5-12 based in Vancouver, British Columbia. We fuse culture and interdisciplinary STEAM programming to provide youth with the core skills for post-secondary admissions & careers to create a more inclusive future. Ethọ́s Lab is a safe space, where all youth are welcome.

STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Applied Art and Math

We’re remixing the traditional educational model to provide innovative and inclusive solutions. Our commitment is not just an aspiration; it’s a call to action. Black youth and girls are often marginalized in STEAM fields, but we’re determined to change that narrative. We prioritize models that foster community and mutual respect, not just among our youth but within the entire innovation landscape. Together, we are building a new culture—a culture where every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to innovate, inspire and lead.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada